I picked up a Midway-style cabinet that had been converted to a Street Fighter II a few years back. After some inspection I noticed it has previously been a Ms. Pac-Man, which was made apparent by the signature bright blue paint that was over-sprayed onto the inside of the cabinet.
Manufactured by Gotlieb and released in April of 1992, this pinball version of Mario was pretty unique for its time. I have fond memories of first discovering this game in a Chuck E Cheese entertainment center; it was the first time I had ever heard Mario as a fully voiced
If you've worked in a non-JavaScript language, you're likely familiar with the concept of a lock. Locks are useful in multi-threaded environments to ensure access to a given variable cannot be modified by two threads concurrently. This functionality is usually provided by a runtime structure such as a semaphore. Some
After finishing up my Z80/Pac-Man Emulator I thought it would be fun to port it to a game console. Since it was written in C#, the Xbox seemed like a natural fit.
All Xbox One retail units also support a DevMode out of the box, so there would be
Once I finished up my Intel 8080 CPU core for my Space Invaders emulator, I wanted to move onto something a bit more challenging. I knew that the Zilog Z80 CPU was a "cousin" to the 8080; it was largely backwards compatible with the 8080, but also contained a superset